Sustainability Solutions

From ESG analytics and reporting to materiality and benchmarking, we have the tools you need to take your sustainability strategy to the next level.

ESG Reporting

A one stop-shop software to centralize, analyze and report on your ESG data.

Make sustainability a part of your business narrative

Investors, ESG rating agencies, employees, clients, consumers and communities: make your sustainability initiatives known by building beautiful interactive reports. Use analytics to uncover story-worthy impact and progress.

Strive for operational excellence

Incorporate sustainability into operations, strategy and communications through timely and accurate insights. KPIs are automatically calculated and updated so you don't have to!

Enable transparency and trust with investors

Increase your reporting's reliability by automating data collection and validation. Make auditing easy and efficient by allowing seamless access to relevant data. Update investors and ESG rating agencies more frequently by shortening the whole process.
Use Metrio for all frameworks, standards and ratings
We are compatible with the different frameworks
Rating agencies:

Our process



Shorten the collection process through manual and automated data collection tools that gather data and content from across your company. Data is checked (variation threshold, double entries, etc) and users are automatically prompted to enter new data and add supporting documents. Admins can seamlessly follow the collection progress and approve new data.


Monitor your ESG performance and get valuable real-time insights with sustainability analytics and dashboard tools. Select metrics based off of your materiality or any framework (SASB, GRI, CDP, etc). Moreover, customize calculation methodologies and generate KPIs automatically. KPIs can also include forecasts to better identify ESG risks and opportunities.


Create multiple reports based off any framework or your own template in the blink of an eye. Select desired filters and gather all data and texts to generate a ready-to-publish PDF, PowerPoint, Word or Excel report. Easily add your own texts and visuals and save the report as a new template. You can easily add your own texts and visuals and save the report as a new template. To validate, internal or external auditors can certify data and methodology.


Go beyond traditional static reports to enhance stakeholder engagement and sustainability communications. Leverage the Metrio Communication Module to create a dedicated sustainability website to share your vision as well as your performance through interactive charts. Control and data are updated as they are entered and approved in the software.

Additional Services

Keep the dialogue going and gather your stakeholders’ feedback. Effortlessly assess sustainability issues. Guide both reporting and strategy efficiently.

Get a clear sense of where your company stands with regards to your sector, competitors and priorities.

Get a clear understanding of your providers and partners’ ESG performance. Gather information automatically to analyze in real-time.

Monitor your portfolio's ESG investments and easily uncover risks and opportunities. Guide your strategy and create reports for your stakeholders.

Interested in working with us?

See for yourself how Metrio works and how it can facilitate your company’s ESG reporting.